Friday, May 9, 2014

half asleep

Finals week on campus means....lots of busy students. It means study groups and packed libraries, and it means lots of all-nighters. I honestly was doing the same thing not too long ago!
For a missionary, finals might not seem ideal. All the sudden, teaching is a little trickier. But, miracles are there when you look!

We were out the other day, simply trying to make contact with a few of the people we had been teaching. No luck. No doors were answered--and we couldn't blame them. Finals are finals, after all. As we were heading back to our bikes, we approached a girl who looked exhausted. She literally couldn't keep her eyes open, and she was speaking in practically a whisper. She told us her name and we started talking to her a little bit. She told us she had finally finished a final that she took at 6 that morning--so she was just heading home to crash.
She asked us what we did, and we started sharing our belief in Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father. It was miraculous the change that we saw take place in her. As we began to discuss some of the world problems and the hope that the gospel brings, she completely woke up! There was a very real and literal transformation. She was joking and laughing and completely awake--in fact, near the end of the conversation she said she was sorry for taking so much of our time! Talk about a miracle.
That simple encounter was a testimony builder to me that the Savior truly 'awakens, enlivens, and ennobles us!' He has power to take us out of out rut and to help us be happy! I love that so much!!

"And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins." 
(2 Nephi 25:26)

Talk about Jesus Christ and BE HAPPY!!!