Saturday, February 22, 2014

china bound!

September 9, 2012 I turned 19. Big day---but not really. Just another birthday, right?
Then, October 6, 2012 I woke up and got ready to listen to the words of the prophet at General Conference.
As we eagerly listened to the words of the prophet, he made an announcement that absolutely floored me. "Today I am pleased to announce that able, worthy young women who have the desire to serve may be recommended for missionary service beginning at age 19, instead of age 21." All the sudden, I had a huge choice in front of me--and one that for YEARS, I had simply told myself I'd decide when I was 21 (and I was hoping I'd be swept off my feet before that ever had to be contemplated...).
Quite opposite from the responses of my roommates and other peers in my classes at BYU, I was determined that I would not serve a mission. I felt that every girl and her mom were going on missions all of the sudden--and I thought the idea of staying at BYU was much better. I think it disappointed my family, but they were very supportive of my decision and didn't bother trying to pressure me into anything. Good thing, because I was sure that I would not be serving a mission. No one would be able to change that.
I went on my way, but serving a mission just seemed to be brought up EVERYWHERE I went--at family get togethers, in classes, at church--everywhere it seemed. But I was determined that a mission was not for me.
I decided that instead I would give of myself in service in China. I would teach english in China (random, I know). So, I paid the money, got the Visa--everything. It all fell into place miraculously. Multiple times the workers who helped me get everything organized mentioned how things never happened that fast--but I was glad to have a plan for the coming semester. Much better than a mission...but still a chance for me to give of myself.
My brother and I flew home to Japan for Christmas break, where we did lots of traveling to surrounding countries. Sitting for sometimes hours at a time on buses, I pondered on a lot of things. Over and over I would think, "I wonder what it would be like to serve here.... or there..." I didn't think much of it--after all, I was headed to China in a couple of months!
After traveling for a week or so, we came home, my brother flew back to school, and I stayed at home with the rest of the family until I was going to go to China. About 3 days after my brother left, I was talking to my mom about how I kept thinking how cool it would be to serve in the different places we had been visiting. I even thought a lot about how it would be really fun to go to Germany--learn to speak German fluently. My sweet mother made a comment I will forever remember--she said, "Well, maybe you're supposed to go on a mission. Have you prayed about it?"
Well, believe it or not, I hadn't. I'd avoided it for about three months-- but all the sudden I thought that would be a really great idea. That night before bed I prayed. I asked. I went to my Father, who knows me better than anyone else. And there, I received an overwhelming feeling that I should go!
I can't even describe the happiness that I felt! I was so excited! Within 2 weeks my papers were in, I declined my service to teach in China, and within 2 months I was in the MTC.

I know that the Lord helped that to happen!!  It is just too real to deny. Getting set up to go to China was unrealistically easy--and had I not made that decision, I don't think I would be on my mission.  I would have been back in Provo before I would have heard the powerful words of my mother, "Have you prayed?" I am so grateful for the small miracles that lead to great miracles!

I know that my decision to serve was a miracle--the hand of the Lord was evident all along the way. I am thankful for the ways that He opens my eyes to see the miracles around me. And it's no surprise that I've learned that Arizona is SO much better than China!

"Know ye not that ye are in the hands of the Lord?"(Mormon 5:23)

Thursday, February 20, 2014

the greatest miracle

I think a lot of the time, we fail to see the miracles that surround us. In my first few months on my mission, we met with one of the mission leaders (a stake president) and he always asked us missionaries, "How have you seen the hand of the Lord in the work?" After some contemplation, we would respond with some of the simplest of situations--but these small and simple situations brought about great things. 

There are countless times that the Lord reveals Himself in this work--His work.  I want to share with you some of the simple and yet profound miracles that have already and still do surround me in doing the Lord's work.  As I've been brainstorming ideas of experiences I can share with you, I have had one particular miracle stand out to me. It happened before my mission--but it is of the greatest value to me. Bear with me as I try to express in words the feelings that I have had as I experienced a very personal miracle. 

I've grown up in the church, and I have always loved it. But there came a time in my life where I had to really change who I was. Going through the motions kept me 'in-line,' but that was about it. You could even say, my purpose was kind of at a stand still. I wasn't off doing all kinds of crazy bad things, but I certainly wasn't always trying my hardest to do what was right. 
I realized though, that I wasn't happy. I wanted to change. And change I did--but one step at a time. As I read the scriptures with more excitement, as I prayed more fervently, as I attended church meetings searching for answers--I began to come to really know who my Savior was. 
Over some time, I began to truly feel I had, "spiritually been born of God" (Alma 5:14). I experienced a great change of heart--I wanted to become a better person and I wanted to live the standards because of the love that I had for the gospel, and for my Savior. I made changes in my life that even lead me to come on my mission, where I help people to have a similar experience.
 I know without a doubt that the Savior of the world, my Older Brother, made those changes possible. Many times I found myself calling on divine help to know the things I need to know, and to become the person I want to become. I can not even begin to put in words the joy that I have felt since I have experienced this change of heart--this miracle of love. Despite weaknesses and failures, Heavenly Father will always reach out to us. I love Christ's beckoning call: "Will ye not now return unto me, and repent of your sins, and be converted, that I may heal you?" (3 Nephi 9:13)

I know that God is our Heavenly Father. I know that He has provided a way for us to be happy in this life and to become the beings that we were divinely designed to become. That way is through coming unto Christ...through doing the simple things He asks us to do. Isn't it a miracle?! I know that it truly is! It is only through divine help that we can experience a ,"mighty change of heart" (Alma 5:14). I am grateful for miracles, and especially for this one--one that has changed the very person that I am. 

 I know that the hand of the Lord is all around us! Sometimes, it's only a matter of seeing with 'spiritual eyes.'

So look around. They're there, I promise you. :)