Tuesday, November 25, 2014

it's that time of the year again.....

Okay, so most stressful day since I've returned home from my mission EVER. It's been driving me nuts!! And as stressful as it's been, I've been sitting in front of my Macbook almost the whole day. Looking at this pretty screen.

School schedule. Bleh. 

I know, worst thing ever.
Before I explain my dilemma, let me explain. I am majoring in Family Consumer Sciences Education-basically learning how to be a home ec teacher (who didn't love their home ec teacher?!....I wouldn't know...I never took it...). So I'm all signed up for the funnest classes ever--and one of the classes lets me get into the classroom to check out what it'll be like.
So I take a look at my schedule, and it looks great. Best. Semester. Ever. School is so much fun (get an education)!!
I've been all set and ready to go with it, until today, when I took another look at it. For one of the classes I am required to have FBI clearance and finger printing done. Which is totally fine--I got it all done before my unexpected change of plans to serve a full time mission. Well, those kinds of things number one, are EXPENSIVE, and number two, EXPIRE. I have no record of mine with me at home, and so I started worrying. I was pretty sure that it only lasted a year and a half....and it had definitely been over a year and a half. So I sat here all day, looking up all the other options I could fill that time with. And dropping classes. And emailing advisors. And calling professors. And blah blah blah.  Of course I start looking for a car and job while I'm at it.  It's rough being an adult.

So.  I'm all worked up. Slightly (totally an understatement) stressed, since the other options that work are all full (minus marriage prep---must have been inspired ^.^). I wish I could say I knelt down to say a prayer and right after had this inspiration...but rather I prayed forever ago when I first noticed the problem--and about 8 hours later I had the inspiration to call the College of Education at BYU. nice man answered, and helped me figure out if my FBI clearance was expired yet.
After putting me on hold for a couple minutes, he returned to the phone, complimented my name (typical), and informed me that my FBI clearance expired on February 26, 2015. Literally one day after my class finishes.
I heard that and I just about died! WHAT A MIRACLE!!!! I seriously have no idea when I got it, how long it was supposed to last, or any of that. And when I got it, I was FAR from EVER serving a mission....and yet, it worked out PERFECTLY. I just think it might have had something to do with that guy I call my Father. :) He is just SOOO good.
He has a plan. And sometimes, we have to go through a little stress in order to recognize that He is there and the plan is perfect!! My life is good. Realllllly good.

"The Lord knows your circumstances perfectly."

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