Wednesday, November 12, 2014

pearly whites

So, I guess it's been awhile since I last posted a miracle--but I PROMISE they were still going on on a daily basis--and I'd be happy to share them with you if you send me a message via Facebook!!
For any of you who don't know, I actually returned from my mission exactly a week ago!! I was going to post on the miracle of my mission--the change it's brought about in me--but if you know me you'll already see that miracle.  If you don't know me, lets chat:)
I felt like I should keep up on my miracles--because we seriously are SO much happier when we see the hand of God in our lives! If you haven't looked for it--try it out. I promise you'll find things if you'll simply look.
So I'm back home in Germany, where it's about 30 degrees colder than what I've been used to (Arizona....I miss you!!!!), where we build fires in our houses and have hot chocolate at breakfast. It's pretty cozy, I must admit.  And so chilly at the same time.
But honestly, the miracle I want to share with you doesn't have anything to do with the weather here. There have been a few days sight-seeing where it's been a miracle that I've survived--but maybe I'll save that for another day:)
So my second day back I was scheduled for all sorts of doctors appointments and dental appointments--and BOY, I was PUMPED to get these teeth cleaned!! I remember my trainer always talking about how badly she wanted to get her teeth cleaned and I never understood--until I reached about the point she was at. Maybe not such a big deal to some people, but man. I was excited.
So we got up and studied and did some things around the house--when we got a call. We were late. We had the completely wrong time and we had missed our appointment. They told us to still come in--they might be able to get a little something done. Of COURSE, I wasn't yet fully registered to get onto the air base so that took an extra 20 minutes to get to the clinic....but we made it there. Eventually. Phew. Signed in, and they called us back.
I sat and talked to the hygienist--told him about my mission of course (since I have no idea what else to talk about) and then his family (since I also don't know how to talk about much else besides that too....). The dentist was running late, so the hygienist said he might as well clean these teeth up! He whipped out his tools and just got it all done! He could have easily disregarded the cleaning--but he didn't! And I was just so grateful!! As simple as it is, that was my little miracle. My little tender mercy. The Lord often works by small and simple means to help us understand and have a great testimony.

He is there! And He knows our silly and serious concerns and cares. I'm pretty sure it wouldn't have been the end of the world if my teeth hadn't been cleaned--but that little tender mercy helped me remember my loving heavenly Father who truly is so aware. I guess my teeth were bad enough that even He insisted we find a way to get them done then and there! :)

"And let all things be done in cleanliness before me."
(D&C 42:41)

Holler!! Looking squeaky, huh?!?

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