Friday, March 14, 2014

cars that start

Okay, so here starts some of the simpler miracles that I've seen since I've been out. This one is one I recorded in my journal the very first day. To make a long story short, I'm just gonna post my journal entry. It's more real and...well, I wrote it about 30 minutes after it happened...

'The last 15 minutes before we had to go in, we decided to street contact around the apartments.  Sister Winterton said the last 15 minutes are the miracle minutes. SO TRUE! God blesses us when we're at the very end and we put forth a full effort! It was pretty deserted outside, and we were both praying for someone to be outside. Then, BAM. 3. We approached them, talked--they gave us an address to come leave a message! They were super nice, and were surprised to see sister missionaries. I hope we can catch them at their home! After that, we were walking back to our apartment and we saw a man and talked to him--Terrin. He was trying to get his motorcycle to work, but it couldn't start. We talked for a couple of minutes, and we offered to say a  prayer with him. So we did! And then afterward, he have us his address. And then, he asked if we recommended anywhere to go to church! And THEN, his motorcycle started less than a minute after we started to leave. It was a miracle!! The Lord's work is beautiful. It's powerful. And yet, its so simple. I love it!!'

I was a pretty pumped missionary, huh? Miracles are all around us. Besides that first miracle, we had two other very memorable times where cars started after a prayer was offered. It is no doubt in my mind due to the prayers--it's SO COOL!! I just love seeing these miracles! Even the people that we talked with recognized that calling upon the Lord certainly brought about the miracle.
I testify that prayers work. I also know that ANYTHING that is important to us, is important to Him. Even if it's just a silly old car. Or a lost key. He is your Father. Nothing will ever change that.

"But behold, I say unto you that ye must pray always, and not faint; that ye must not perform any thing unto the Lord save in the first place ye shall pray unto the Father in the name of Christ, that he will consecrate thy performance unto thee, that thy performance may be for the welfare of the soul."2 Nephi 32:9

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