Friday, March 7, 2014

locker buddies

I'm going to go back in time a little bit, but bear with me. :) It's a pretty sweet story, I have to admit...

So, junior year my dad got stationed in Misawa, Japan........right in the middle of nowhere. I graduated from Edgren High School in 2011, with a class of about 58.  To say the least, we were a pretty tight class and we all knew each other really well. Senior year, I was assigned a locker on the corner of the hallway, right next to a super friendly kid--Xavier Major.  Xavier was the kind of kid that everyone likes--he always had friends around him and a huge smile on his face. I didn't really know him that well from the year before, but being locker buddies, I'd say we got to know each other a little better. Of course, at the end of the year we all graduated and went our separate ways.

Two years later, after deciding to serve a mission (which I talked about in 'china bound'), our mission President informed us that we would begin to use Facebook for proselyting purposes. We were SO excited! We would get to talk to old friends about the gospel--the thing that has brought us so much happiness! After a week of cleaning up my account, I finally began to post and message friends and investigators. On the 23rd of September, I got a random message.......from Xavier Major, of all people!
"Brynnley how are you liking Arizona!?"
I quickly responded, telling him how much I love the work and I love the place. After finding out he was living in Mesa, we talked a little about missionaries--it's hard to live in Mesa and NOT know who the missionaries are.
"My girlfriend is actually Mormon so I've been exploring the church myself."
I was FLOORED.  I sure didn't expect that! How exciting--someone I actually knew was learning about the church! Of course, as a missionary I started asking the typical questions...have you gone to church or read the Book of Mormon or prayed about it? Within a couple of minutes, Xavier and I were discussing the Book of Mormon and how to know if the church really was true. It was such a cool experience to be able to answer his questions and bear my testimony to him! I was really grateful that he knew me well enough to feel comfortable to approach me about it. And who would've thought we'd ever have a conversation like that??At the end of our conversation that day, he said,
"I have a question. Say that I find this is true to me after reading and prayer--what are the steps from there?"
Well, the rest is history. We taught a couple of online discussions and the Elders took it over from there. I was so amazed at the miracle that the Lord performed. I know that it wasn't sheer coincidence that we happened to end up in Misawa Japan with lockers right next to each other--it just wasn't! I couldn't deny that miracle in my life! God puts us where He does in order to help someone else come closer to the Savior--even our lockers may be divinely appointed--you never know! :)

Pray to see with spiritual eyes the miracles that surround you. God has a divine plan for you and for each person on this earth. He loves you! He is aware of the questions and concerns that you have.

Xavior was baptized November 9, 2013
In brainstorming this post, I asked Xavier to send me his side of the story and his testimony. He's seriously SO solid and I really love reading how this simple miracle has changed him--eternally. He's even planning to be sealed to his wife in the Gilbert temple this coming November!!

"I just want to say starting off that we are all part of something bigger then we know. It is crazy to think that back in 2010 when I met Brynnley that she would be the one that helped me on my path of finding a spiritual home. Until my first conversation with Sister Brynnley, I had been wandering around without much purpose and I went to church once every year almost. I hit a rough patch and needed somewhere to turn and one day I felt the urge to message a good friend from highschool that I saw was serving a mission in my area. I thought it was a long shot because I had no idea missionaries could use Facebook. I wasn't ready to officially meet with a missionary in person, so I gave it a shot. Next thing I know we are messaging back and forth and I learned so much in those few days--and for once I felt like everything was going to be okay. Then, fast forward a few months and I am awaiting being baptized; I felt a mix of emotions, but mostly joy. At that moment in time I felt that I made the right choice and I had been guided here all along. The room was packed with friends, family, and even people I just met. I know that this was all part of a bigger plan and that the church is true and that out Savior loves us. I am blessed that I was able to talk with Brynnley that first day and that from that moment on I have been blessed beyond measure. I cannot fully express my gratitude for all the help Brynnley has been on my journey! Thank you!"


  1. This is such an awesome story! Thanks for sharing Sister Roth!! :)

  2. Sis Roth and Xavier, I am floored and thrilled!!!!!!! This is such an amazing story with eternal blessings. Bro Patterson and I just took our 12 year old son to the temple for his first time last night. It was an amazing experience and it took me back to when I was baptized 14 years ago to the month. We've bumped up our efforts to share the good news and have given away 2 Books of Mormon away this year so far, a book explaining our faith in laymen terms, and used technology to share inspiring messages with friends. It's inspiring to read this post and know (so grateful to have gotten to know you a little in Misawa) we are ALL a part of a bigger and BEST plan. Sending love to you both!!!
    Sis Patterson
