Wednesday, March 5, 2014

finding miss daisey

Miracles are the best!! I know that Heavenly Father often works through someone else to help bring about something good.
Sister Hudson and I were in on Saturday night, planning for the following day. We looked at our weekly goals and hadn't quite reached our referrals. We talked about what would be a good goal for our final day of the week, and after some quick contemplation, we decided we'd go hard or go home--so we set the goal to get 6 referrals (our weekly goal).  Sunday came, and I don't even remember much about it, except that it got to be about 8:00, and we hadn't received ONE referral. With an hour left in the day, we went over to a neighborhood that usually had lots of people out in the evening.
We were biking around, and then we spotted a lady ahead that we had encountered many times. Each of those many times she had given us a grunt or two and a not-so-friendly shoo away. Not the most pleasant of experiences, to be honest. 
As we got closer to her I thought, "There is no way we're going to bother her again. I'm pretty sure she hates our guts by now."
Sister Hudson was my example--she went right up to that woman and had a similar encounter as the last 5 times. But as we were getting shooed away, Sister Hudson asked if there was anyone that this lady knew that might be interested in our message. She responded quickly and dully: 
"There's a cul de sac one street up, across from a park.....they're all interested."
And then she waved us away and went on her way.
We looked at each other. SWEET!!! There were 6 houses on each cul de sac. That's six referrals...why not go contact them all before the week was up??
The first door we knocked on was the home of Alex. He talked to us for awhile, and told us his wife was 'semi-mormon' and invited us to come back and teach her. The rest of the houses we knocked on were pretty friendly--two others also set up return appointments. Successful night!
The best part of that night was what happened in the months afterwards. We were blessed to teach Alex, his wife Daisey (who wasn't a member--just acted like one all the time:), and their three kids, Sarah, Blake, and Jackson. I have no doubt that this family is one that I was sent to the Arizona Tempe mission for--they have a place in my heart, and always will. 

It is just so cool, because we NEVER knock doors--but we wouldn't have found her unless we had gotten this simple referral from a grouchy neighborhood woman!
(....and a funny side note--we ended up teaching this woman's family just a few weeks later. Sharing the gospel really softens hearts I guess!)

What a miracle!! I know that the Lord sent us to Alex and his family through this lady--and I'm just so grateful that my companion had the guts to talk to her at least one more time to get those referrals!

"And thus we see that by small means the Lord can bring about great things." 
(1 Nephi 16:29)

Sister Hudson, Daisey and I

Sarah, Jackson, Daisey, Blake, me, and Sister Jensen

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