Tuesday, April 8, 2014

a week without bikes

Recently, I have felt very impressed to write about something that has helped me understand better how everyone feels when they are on the verge of something good. When we are about to make a good decision, it is often that the adversary pushes a little harder than normal. (It's a littler lengthy, but hang in there. I promise it's a good one!)
So, Saturday morning we woke up at 6:20, rolled out of bed, said a prayer, and went for a run. We ran further than we ever had before-2.5 miles! It was a beautiful day, and we felt good. We got back to the house and we cooling down on the driveway, when I saw that our bike rack was sticking out kind of funny and I went over to go and fix it. Sister Coy watched me and then we headed inside. As we walked towards the front door,  I thought out loud, "Where are our bikes?" Sister Coy looked towards the car, and suggested that we take a little lap around the block. No luck. We had heard a party going on the night before, and didn't even think to lock our bikes. I guess that taught us a little lesson. "always lock your bike" means ALWAYS lock your bike. We went in and filed a police report. The day continued--we studied and went out to work (borrowed the Spanish sisters' bikes). The work continues forward. I testify that NOTHING can stop the work of God.
Anyways, the day went on. Sunday came, and we had the best Sunday yet! We had lots of investigators and returning members there, and we couldn't have been happier. I haven't found any more joy than in the moments that I see people make real changes in their lives to come closer to their Savior! All day long we mentioned that Satan was trying to make us upset about the stolen bikes--only because such good was coming the next day! There were devoted members and nonmembers there. At the close of church, we went to talk to one of the nonmembers that we had been teaching for a couple of weeks. When we asked her about her experience at church, she informed us that the word procrastination stood out, and that she wanted to set a date for baptism. You better believe it--we were over there a couple hours later planning the whole service for the upcoming April 11! We were elated--Sister Coy and I were just so happy! After that, we went to visit with another investigator, who we also put on date for later this month! What a day. Nice try Satan--but it didn't work. Nothing's gonna stop us now!! (Sister Coy popped her first wheelie Sunday night).
Monday came around--we chopped off our hair and I felt a little bummed about that too (petty...but you know how girls are). Lets just say it was more a down-side than an upside to the start of the week. But no worries, hair is hair.
Tuesday came along and Sister Coy and I were making calls to coordinate building days and times for these baptisms--and here we hit yet another wall. Wedding receptions certainly aren't of the devil....but they sure can be a hindrance!! Wedding receptions were being held each night/day that had been set by our investigators. And we had felt the Spirit confirm these days--and so had our investigators! What was the deal?? Couldn't Heavenly Father at least let that work out? We made lots of calls to future brides and building coordinators--mostly left a bunch of messages and hoped that we'd get a call back soon.
The week still continued--we biked, locked our bikes like crazy, and worked some more. Building times started working out. Things were looking better.
We were making the last of a few arrangements for baptisms on the phone Wednesday morning, when----yikes. My iPad fell right off my lap onto the cement ground--screen facing the pavement. You know when there's a piece of clothing hanging over the edge of a piece of furniture and then randomly it will just decide to fall? That was TOTALLY what happened. There was no movement in my legs. It just fell. As simple as that. Sister Coy and I held our breath as I picked it up to analyze the damage. Cracked real good, we called the leaders and decided to get it fixed next week. I wasn't too upset--but COME ON! Really? This week? I was feeling the slightest bit defeated. But thank heavens for my companion. She kept reminding me that Satan was just trying to discourage us with our bikes and schedule and iPad now. We moved forward. That night we met a young man who had been searching for the truth and committed to be baptized and come to church. It was the coolest thing! And he came out of nowhere!!  I am so grateful for the tender mercies of the Lord. Just when you feel at the end of your rope--He reaches out and reminds you who's work this is and who is over ALL the earth.
Thursday came and we got up to run, and BAM.
 Still no bikes (although, we looked in every ditch to make sure they weren't hanging around miraculously.)
Thursday was the hardest day of my mission. There was a literal unseen power in our companionship that was keeping us from working in unity and from being happy.  It was KILLING us--seriously! There was no happiness and just a slow pace of work. You know how sometimes for some reason in your head you tell yourself you just want to be grumpy and that's that? Well, try having two people that way who are glued at the hip the whole day long. It was rough, to say the least. I would NEVER suggest it. Avoid at all costs. Seriously. We tried working things out a couple of times, and not much was said. The next day we got together and really started sharing what was going on. We realized that there was nothing about the other person that was really bothering us....nothing had happened that specifically made us made or feel upset. It was purely the adversary--and us giving way to him. We couldn't believe it. We concluded that a preisthood blessing was needed to get us out of our funk. And, lo and behold, it helped tremendously. I am so grateful for the priesthood that is available to us all. The power is real. And it is no more for me than it is for you!! That's the beauty of it!
Friday was a great day--we taught like crazy. Saturday was conference and then Sunday was as well....our investigators were blowing up our phones with texts about favorite quotes and speakers and everything else under the sun--it was so exciting!

As I was studying my scriptures this morning, I found a scripture that is SO commonly known--but I felt that is applied to this week so perfectly!
It was Alma 48:17.
"Yea, verily, verily I say unto you, if all men had been, and were, and ever would be, like unto Moroni, behold, the very powers of hell would have been shaken forever; yea, the devil would never have power over the hearts of the children of men."
If we were like this man ( a MAN, not a God...not perfect, but always striving to be), the devil would NEVER HAVE POWER over the hearts of US!! That is amazing! I know that when things are about to be real good, he works harder on us. And he adds one thing to another. A stolen bike and a broken iPad were enough...but he still had more to throw at us.
What is so ironic though....I am grateful for the things I faced this week. I have learned so much. My most faith-defining moments have been those that have been the biggest struggle in my life. When times get hard--keep on keeping on! After all, "He is all-powerful, and He cares. Things will work out." Trust in Him. You can never go wrong.

(SWEET end of the story....Sunday afternoon during conference we got a voice mail. From an Office Treger. Our bikes had been identified and we would have them the next morning. Our prayers and trust in God that it would work out brought forth the blessing. I read in James today also, "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." It's true!)

Read Sister Coy's version too...it's always fun to get another side of the story:)

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