Wednesday, April 30, 2014

college town

We've had the chance a couple of times this week to proselyte on campus…and it has been pretty interesting, to say the least! A couple weeks ago in a meeting we committed to more consciously live the Doctrine of Christ (faith, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end). Sister Taylor and I had a few conversations about how we can do that better…and we couldn't figure out exactly what we could change. A couple of days later we were given a GREAT opportunity to learn. Our questions were answered. God is so good. :)
We sat in the car in the parking lot and decided we needed to make a goal for how many people we would get a return appointment with on campus. We threw out a few numbers, and finally decided on 8. We would fin 8 new investigators! One of us offered a prayer, and in it, asked to find one new investigator. The other thought in their head, “TWO!!” We both totally wimped out! We were of little faith. We didn’t think 8 was really a possible—or even reasonable—number. We got out of the car and were kind of bummed we had such little faith! Just moments before we had decided on 8—and yet, when we went to ask the Lord for help we doubted our ability to accomplish such a task. We doubted His ability! As we walked across the street we both prayed—we decided we needed to repent and have faith. We prayed for 8 new investigators. We decided we wouldn't leave campus until we found them.
Guess what happened?! Two hours later, we had 8 lessons taught, like 10 new phone numbers, and a couple who set up lessons for the following week! We also received referrals for other missionaries. The fruits of our efforts were GREAT!!! (We also got some pretty good sun:)We saw that as we consciously exercised our faith, repented, and followed the Holy Ghost, we could overcome what had only minutes before seemed impossible and completely unreasonable! Throughout this week we have noticed points where our faith could be stronger—and sometimes it’s been hard to have more! Sometimes when you don’t believe, it’s hard to just start believing. BUT, I learned that when those time come (and sometimes they do), you pray for the belief!! Pray for the faith! Pray for the energy to work and try and believe. It’s not always natural and certainly isn’t always easy! But the Savior came here for that very purpose—to help us have more faith and do greater things.
I know that as we have worthy goals and faithfully work to fulfill them, our Heavenly Father will help us. He is on our side! He is out support, and He is our guide. He will always make the impossible completely possible!!

“And Jesus said unto him, if thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.”

(Mark 9:23)

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