Thursday, April 17, 2014

real life

I have been so moved by the Savior's loving sacrifice for us. As Easter has been approaching, Sister Taylor and I have bore our testimonies over and over again of our Savior, Jesus Christ. I know that He is truly the way to be happy in this life and to have eternal happiness in the world to come! I have realized that the moments that are often the hardest for us, we can come to understand better how our Savior feels for us. We understand better what He did for us. 
I don't love to go through hard things, but I am so grateful that I do! I understand better now than I did before how He feels about us. When we mess up--He loves us!! As simple as that!  He wants to reach out and tell us it's going to be okay. He wants us to have faith. He will never fail us--in fact, he makes it possible for us to start again and to conquer all our doubts and fears!! That is real life. It's the best!

Please, take a second to watch this video right now. And if you're having a bad day, come back and watch it again. I love at the end where it talks about all the things that He makes better. He is the best! I love my Savior, Jesus Christ, and I know that He loves you! 

Happy Easter!! He is a miracle that can be a part of EVERY aspect of your life, if you will let Him in. 

"Oh what joy this sentence gives, 'I know that my Redeemer lives!'"

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